7/24/23 It’s a phrase you hear a lot when the faith community or religion are discussed: “The Church.” It’s also referred to as “church with a big C.” For some, it’s a reference to the Catholic Church. To others, it is shorthand for all Christ-based institutions...

We were on vacation recently and as we were preparing to leave the hotel we were in one Sunday morning, I caught a TV sermon from author/evangelist Joyce Meyer. She was making the point that sitting in church every Sunday morning doesn’t make you a...

Ramona and I were watching “Jeopardy” recently when something very unexpected happened. A $200 dollar clue that seemed to be quite easy stumped the trio of contestants: “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father, which art in heaven,’ This ‘be they name.’” “Hallowed be Thy name” might be one...

Many people, even avid Bible readers, are unaware that it wasn’t until the 13th century that chapters were added to Scripture. Verses, as we know them today, weren’t added until the 16th century. This is why I (and many others) caution against cherry-picking verses when...