I had breakfast this week with a wonderful lady who attends our church. She brought with her a well-loved King James Bible that another woman had given her. So many verses her friend had underlined, so many margin notes. I was enriched by all of...

I learned something about myself last week from one of my daily devotionals. I’m “importunate.” I had never heard the word before. It means persistent, especially to the point of annoyance or intrusion. Yeah, that’s me. Before 2016, my importunity was on my own behalf. I...

I had a radio career that spanned three and a half decades. One of the first things I was taught was: “NO DEAD AIR.” Dead air is unplanned silence, usually the result of human error. To a station owner, dead air is throwing away inventory,...

I started 2025 with a new Bible in a year program, guided by Terra Leigh Cobble. Her analysis of Genesis 3 included an observation I had never considered: Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in...