08 Dec Why Would You Do This?
At Samaritan’s Heart Mission Church we tend to live by something I heard a few years ago: “Don’t ask God to bless what you’re doing, do what He is blessing.” What God has shown us in 2024 is that He is blessing our efforts to assist the unhoused. We leaned into that hard with an effort we call “Warming In The Heart” (W.I.T.H.).
There are two seasonal shelters in downtown Green Bay that operate November through April. In the past two years a Sunday afternoon “hole” has developed, where there is no place for shelter guests to stay (the shelters are closed 8 am to 5 pm). So, our recovery coordinator, Cathi Oreto, proposed that we fill that hole. After six months of planning, we have been joined by eight other churches in this effort. As a result, WITH has been a roaring success in its first six weeks of operation.
On our most recent Sunday we served 61 guests. They watched football on TV, watched movies, played bingo, cribbage, chess, took part in Karaoke, or just enjoyed the “withness” of our company. The appreciation our guests have shown has been overwhelming. Twice, I have been asked the question: “Why are you doing this?” What they meant was, why would we open our building to them? I’m embarrassed to say that I struggled with the answer.
I said something to the effect of: “well, it’s needed.” That’s true. But one gentleman put it very directly: “Why are you called to do this?” The answer goes back to “Do what God is blessing.” In different ways, God has connected us to the homeless community in the past year. When we became aware of the “Sunday hole,” it became clear to us that He was calling us to fill it.
When I began calling other churches asking them to participate, they too seemed surprised that we would attempt what they considered to be a large undertaking. It intimidated me when they said that, because I never looked at WITH that way. From the second we said yes, God blessed this effort. With each hurdle crossed, we would attack the next one. He kept blessing, so we kept going. So, why would we do this? Here’s why:
14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:14-17 (NIV)
Be clear here on what James is and isn’t saying. He’s not saying faith is generated by works. He’s saying works are generated by faith. When we receive the Spirit, the desire to serve our brothers and sisters becomes as natural as blinking and breathing without thinking about them. It is such a blessing to see the Spirit move that way in the Samaritan’s Heart Church family, and the eight partner churches who have joined us.
The highlight of my week is greeting the bus that brings most of our guests from another church. It’s like God bringing a busload of house guests to our door. What about you, has God shown you an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to brothers and sisters? I pray that soon you are blessed with someone asking you: “Why would you do this?” May the feeling overwhelm you as it did me.
Pastor Jerry Bader
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