Today is Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. It’s referred to Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city, the culmination of His three-year ministry on earth. But one could argue that it’s more appropriate to call today “Donkey Sunday.” Why? Because to...

My wife Ramona subscribes to an excellent podcast called “Trent Tribe,” which features the teachings of Senior Pastor Brian Trent of the Lighthouse Church. In a recent edition, Pastor Trent had a very new take on the story of Jesus transforming water to wine at...

Commercial jet aircraft have been around for nearly 70 years. Yet, I am still awestruck by the fact that I can get on a plane in Green Bay and be in Tampa, Dallas, and many other cities in a matter of hours. Regular air travelers...

Chapter 11 of the Biblical Book of Hebrews contains what is commonly known as “The Faith Hall of Fame.” Some Bibles label this chapter “Faith in Action,” and that seems appropriate. The writer first defines faith and then gives shining Old Testament examples of faith...

It is one of the most stunning moments in the Old Testament. Moses, one of those honored in the “faith all of fame” in Hebrews 11, fails to trust God.  It comes in Numbers 20.  Here is the scene: The Israelite community arrives at Kadesh. There...

It’s been a tough month for me health-wise. In late January I had COVID. After five days, the symptoms cleared. About a week after that, I developed new symptoms, apparently unrelated to COVID (Ramona also dealt with both). As I write this, I have just...