11 Mar The One Voice
Commercial jet aircraft have been around for nearly 70 years. Yet, I am still awestruck by the fact that I can get on a plane in Green Bay and be in Tampa, Dallas, and many other cities in a matter of hours. Regular air travelers see it no more amazing than driving in a car. It has become routine for them. That’s the way it is in life. The once remarkable becomes mundane when it becomes routine. Did it ever occur to you that we can do the same thing with God?
With His death on the cross, Jesus broke the barrier that had existed between God the Father and us. We can now communicate directly with God. Are you awestruck every time you pray? Most people aren’t, but we all should be. It should be mind-boggling that Jesus paid for that privilege with His life and that He loved us enough to do it. Do you know what’s even more amazing than our ability to talk to God? He responds!
Yes, we can hear God’s voice. No, it most likely won’t be audibly, but we can be aware of God communicating with us. Before we can hear Him we need to do something. We need to stop talking! This has been a huge problem for me for most of my life. I want to do all the talking in a conversation. We need to stop talking so others can respond. This is just as true with God as it is with other people. Pray, then wait quietly for God to respond. How do we hear God? Elan Church of Naperville Illinois, posted 6 great examples:
- Hear God in His Word. When we ask the Holy Spirit to Guide through the Word, God can communicate directly with us. It is the most common way that He does.
- Pray. Prayer is a two-way conversation with God. Take time to be still and listen for His voice after you pray.
- Listen to Godly counsel. I agree with this, but I also urge caution. It is a blessing that God puts faithful, wise believers in our lives. It is good to consider their advice. But never let any person become your Holy Spirit. Get in the Word, pray, and seek wise counsel. Then take it all to God before acting.
- Observe the world around you. I agree completely with the Elan Church post on this: “Sometimes God speaks to us through the circumstances and events of our lives. Look for patterns or connections that seem to point to His guidance or direction.”
- Be receptive to the different ways God can speak to us. Again, I totally agree with Elan Church on this: Be open and receptive- “God can speak to you in many different ways, but you need to be open and receptive to hearing His voice. Sometimes His message might come through a dream, a song, a verse of Scripture, or even a conversation with a stranger.
- Test the Spirits. This is critical, and I believe Elan Church nails this one too: If you think you’ve heard from God, make sure it lines up with Scripture and that it produces good fruit in your life.
We can convince ourselves that anything we want to hear is from God. One example: countless people have told their pastor in counseling that they are sure God is telling them to leave their spouse for their lover. Because after all, “God wants me to be happy.” That message will never be from God!
There are always countless voices in our heads. We are called to focus our minds to hear the One Voice, God’s voice, above all else. When we get in His Word, Pray, and listen for God everywhere, we can hear Him! Never let the wonder of that reality grow old for you!
Pastor Jerry Bader
Steve Launer
Posted at 20:19h, 11 MarchThe Apostle Paul warns us about having “itching ears.” Ignoring the words of “the world” gets more and more difficult these days. Always trust in prayer and God’s word!