02 Feb A Love Letter From Jesus
I had breakfast this week with a wonderful lady who attends our church. She brought with her a well-loved King James Bible that another woman had given her. So many verses her friend had underlined, so many margin notes. I was enriched by all of it. But I was completely unprepared for what the original owner had written on a blank page at the back of the Bible. It was a love letter from Jesus to her. A Google search showed me that it wasn’t her original work. That doesn’t make it any less impactful to me, especially considering that she took the time to handwrite it into the Bible. Here it is:
How are you?
I just had to send this letter to tell you how much I love you and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day, hoping that you would walk and talk with Me also.
As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you. Then I waited, but you never came…O, yes, it hurt me. But I still love you because I am your friend.
I saw you fall asleep last night, and I longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and your face…Again, I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you. You awakened this morning and rushed off for the day.
My tears were in the rain today. You looked so sad, so alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let me down and hurt Me many times. But I love you.
I try to tell you in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in the leaves and trees and breathe it in the color of the flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams and give the birds love songs to sing.
I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air. My love for you is deeper than oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need you could ever have.
We will spend eternity together in Heaven and I know how hard it is on EARTH; I really know because I was there. And I want to help you!
It’s the best thing I will ever read in a Bible that wasn’t written by God. I plan to print a copy of this and keep it in my Bible and I pray that I will read it every day. I pray you do too.
Pastor Jerry Bader
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